Teams for Mission and Ministry
Our small teams are key to the smooth running of Mission and Ministry at All Saints.
We rely on the generosity of you giving your time. If you would like to join one of the many teams whether 'up front' or 'quietly behind the scenes' please do speak to Fi
The Job Descriptions below will give you an idea of what the role involves.
Find out more about what the teams have been up to in the Reports presented to the APCM on the PCC Page

Worship and Learning
Home group: Pippa Hollins-McLean
Prayer ministry: Dian Mordin
Pastoral Teams: Fi Gywnn
Music: Organist: Jean White;
Choir: Nicola Miller
Sunday School: Vacancy
Toddler Group: Jane White
Mission Teams
Special Services: Ministry Team
Hospitality: Vacancy
Fayres: Jackie Holmes
Coffee and Chat: Di Cook / Angela Wheeler
The Runner: Church Office
Mission Links: Vacancy
Maintenance & Housekeeping
Hospitality Rota Coordinator: Jackie Holmes
Cleaning Rota Coordinator: Penny Glaser
Coffee Rota Coordinator: Angela Wheeler
Flowers: Tracy Garland
Treasurer: Nicola Miller
Planned giving, gift and church service collections: David Hutton
Buildings & Grounds Coordinator: John McLean
Pastoral Teams
Coordinator: Rev Fi Gwynn
LPA/LPV: Jane White; Tracy Garland
Gift Aid Secretary: David Hutton
Electoral Roll Officer: Diana Ramsden