What's on

Our weekly Noticesheet contains news of what’s going to happen in the coming week; details of the Sunday and week-day Services, as well as home groups and other group meetings. It also contains news bulletins about events and people.  If you didn’t pick up a copy on Sunday, you will find spare copies on the back shelf in church. Online copies can be found here

Our monthly Newsletter is called The Grayswood Runner - it is distributed free of charge to all the homes in Grayswood. Copies can also be found online (scroll down), at the back of church or sent by post.

Services at All Saints Grayswood

Details of all our services can be found on our Worship page  - Go to Worship page

Church Activities

Toddler Group, Oonagh Jeffrey Room at Grayswood Village Hall, on WEDNESDAY mornings during term-time, from 9 am - 11 am (contact Jackie Holmes on 07730 304102);

Coffee and Chat and homemade cake – 2nd Wednesday, from 10.30 til 12 noon, in the Village Club (contact Di Cook on 01428 654303)

House Groups –  Tuesdays 7.30 - 9.30 run by Pippa and John

Runner folding – 4th Thursday – 10 am in Church, drink tea, fold and stuff The Runner before it is distributed throughout the village.


Every year we hold a Spring and Christmas Fayre (usually on the first Saturday in May and December, respectively) in the Village Hall to raise funds for the church. The Fayres are great fun, and provide a lovely opportunity for the community to come together, and to meet friends as you pick up a bargain!

Next Fayres - May 2025 and December 2024

Church Calendar

Monthly Newsletter


The Grayswood Runner is our monthly newsletter published by All Saints and delivered to houses in Grayswood free of charge by a team of dedicated volunteers.

Copy Deadlines:

15th January for February Edition
15th February for March Edition
15th March for April-May Edition (Easter)
15th May for June Edition
15th June for July-August Edition (Summer)
15th August for September Edition
15th September for October Edition
15th October for November Edition
15th November for December-January Edition (Christmas)

Please submit copy to allsaintsgrayswood@gmail.com

Nearly 20 years of Back Issues

We currently have digital copies of The Grayswood Runner going back to 2004. If you have any older copies that you can contribute to the archive please contact the Church Office

View Back Issues of The Grayswood Runner

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