PUBLIC NOTICE - proposed new lighting design
Church of Grayswood: All Saints
NOTICE IS GIVEN that we are applying to the Consistory Court of the diocese for permission to carry out the following:
To introduce a new lighting design and new wiring into the church. This will highlight architectural features, enable different lighting effects in zoned areas which will enhance worship and reduce running and maintenance costs.
If you wish to object to any of the works or proposals you should send a letter or email stating the grounds of your objection to The Diocesan Registrar at The Bishop of Guildford's Registry, 1 The Sanctuary, Westminster, LONDON, SW1P 3JT by 30th June
Copies of the relevant plans and documents may be examined in person at: Little Home Close, Grayswood Road, Grayswood, GU27 2DE (Please phone first so that social distancing can be maintained 01428 644125)
or viewed online here: Online Portal Church of England Ref 2020 051585
Or individual documents may be viewed here:
Statement of Significance 2020 final
Statement of Needs Lighting 2020
Lighting Petition CES Design specification 6485.R6.
CES Lighting layout 6485-01 R6
CES All Saints Grayswood.Luminare Schedule 6485.R6. (1)
CES All Saints Grayswood.Luminare Schedule 6485.R6.