1st Sunday:

8 am At St Bart's or St Christopher's

10 am Parish Communion

2nd Sunday:

8 am Holy Communion (traditional language BCP)

10 am Morning Worship

3rd Sunday:

8 am At St Bart's or St Christopher's

10 am Parish Communion

4th Sunday:

8 am Holy Communion (traditional language BCP)

10 am 4th Sunday Service

5th Sunday:

8 am Holy Communion (traditional language BCP)
10 am United Benefice Service (at All Saints', or St Bart’s or St Christopher’s)

This week's noticesheet

You can download this week's noticesheet here:

Joining online

zoom meeting icon

Our Sunday Services and other events will continue to be shared on Zoom go to join.zoom.us

NEW Meeting ID: 816 3187 4033 | Passcode: 2025

Topic: All Saints Sunday Service  |  Time:  10 am

Or for “dial in” call  +44 203 481 5237 .

Enter the meeting ID followed by the # key. Then the passcode followed by the # key. You’ll be connected to the meeting and be on mute. Please do not unmute yourself unless necessary as this can distort the reception for everyone else. If you do need to unmute, press *6.   Calls will be charged at your usual standard rate - for approx.  40 mins.

Grayswood residents: If you do join the Zoom services and would like a hymn book to join in at home then just drop us an email and we will get one delivered to you.


Upcoming services

Children and Families

Children are welcome at all services. There are toys and books at the back of church. There is an accessible toilet in the church and there are also toilets and changing facilities in the Village Hall across the road.

Special Services

Please check the details of special services such as Christingle, Mothering Sunday and All Saints Day, on the website calendar, the weekly noticesheet or our monthly newsletter (The Runner) which can be found online or at the back of church.

Christmas and Easter Services

In December,  All Saints holds a number of different style services including: Family Worship with a Nativity, an evening Carol Service (usually at 6 pm) the Sunday before Christmas, Crib Service at 4 pm and Midnight Communion (starting at 11.30 pm) on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning Service at 10 am.

During Lent and Easter, there are services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday morning.

Book your tickets