Updated November 2023
New contact details
To report or discuss a safeguarding concern, please contact the Safeguarding Team on 01483 790379 or email safeguarding@cofeguildford.org.uk Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
If someone is at immediate risk of harm, please call 999 in an emergency.

Safeguarding - Past Cases Review
As a church we are committed to the support, nurture and protection of all our church community. As part of the Church of England, we have shared commitment to ensuring that our churches are the safest possible spaces in which all God’s people can flourish and grow in holiness, with a special care for the wellbeing of the children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom God has entrusted us.
Past Cases Review: The Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) has been ordered by the House of Bishops to ensure that our churches and church related activities are as safe as possible for children and vulnerable adults. You can read more here PCR2
Details for our Safeguarding Contacts can be found here: Diocese and Parish Safeguarding Team
Please keep those families affected by Domestic Abuse in your prayers.
South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Team is still working for those affected by Domestic Abuse you.
SWSDAOS needs our communities more than ever to help them continue to provide life-saving support for survivors and children, so please consider doing the following;
- Please listen out for your neighbours and call for help if you think someone is at risk.
- If safe to do so, please reach out to anyone you believe is in an abusive relationship and encourage them to contact SWSDAOS for advice and support, in particular around safety planning during these times.
- If it is not safe for the survivors themselves to contact us then SWSDAOS are always willing to support friends, family and any professional, so they can safely pass information on.
- Please keep victims and children affected by domestic abuse in your prayers.
Above all be kind, survivors and children more than ever need to know that when they are ready you are there for them and that there is support available.
Anyone needing advice can ring the SWSDAOS helpline on 01483 898884
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
Your call will be answered by a trained Domestic Abuse Support Worker. If they are unable to answer please leave a short message with safe contact details and a member of staff will ring you back. SWSDAOS also have a 24 hour answerphone or you can email swr@swsda.org.uk .
In an emergency dial 999