We’ll always be here to help you through one of life’s most difficult times. A church funeral is available to everyone, and we're here to give you support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed.

Choosing a Funeral

Church Funeral

Once you have registered the death and agreed the arrangements with the Funeral Directors, they will contact the Church Office at All Saints. A date and time will be set for the funeral service / cremation or burial. A priest or pastoral assistant from All Saints will visit you to listen to the story of the person you knew, and will go through all the details of the funeral service itself.

Cremation Funeral

If you wish to organise a cremation, the whole funeral service can take place at a crematorium. The service takes place in the building and the coffin remains there afterwards for the cremation. One of the priests from All Saints can lead the whole service at the crematorium, or it’s possible to have part of the service at the crematorium and part of it in church. The church service can take place before or after the cremation service. Our priests can help you decide which is the best option for you and your family. They can also be there for you after the funeral and can offer prayers for when it is time to put the ashes in their final resting place.

Burial Funeral

There are a few options if you choose to have a traditional burial in the ground.  Where the final resting place is to be in the churchyard at All Saints, there is a service in the church first, and when the time comes for placing the coffin into the ground, everyone moves outside. A priest from All Saints can also be involved if you wish to hold a service at a green burial site or in a cemetery.

Grayswood Churchyard

All Saints, Grayswood - churchyard If the person who has died lived in the parish, has died in the parish, was on the Electoral Roll of the church, or had previously reserved a gravespace (with a faculty), then they can be buried in the churchyard at Grayswood.
Regardless of where someone lived, their ashes can be interred in the Garden of Remembrance, or in the grave of a relative within the churchyard.
Prior to the event, a mutually convenient date and time for the interment needs to be arranged by the Funeral Director with the family and Priest.


The Church of England sets statutory fees (which are revised annually) regarding the cost of funeral services, burials and memorials. The Funeral Director will have a list of the current costs or they are available from the Church Office. You can choose to have the church organist and/or choir at the funeral and the church can organise flowers and orders of service if required. There are separate charges for these. Please contact the Church Office for further details.


If you wish to mark a plot in the graveyard or garden of remembrance, please contact the Church Office.

You can download the forms here:

Form for Application for Installing a Monument

Guildford Diocese Churchyard Regulations

Reserving a Gravespace in the Churchyard

Right to Burial – Reserving a Gravespace

You have a right to be buried in the Parish Churchyard of All Saints Grayswood if, at the time of your death you live in the Parish, or are on our Church Electoral Roll, or if you have died in the Parish (always provided that there is sufficient space in the churchyard). The only way to reserve a particular plot for a person’s burial is to obtain a Faculty for that purpose.

Seeking a Faculty

If you wish seek a Faculty to reserve a gravespace, you should first contact the Church Office: allsaintsgrayswood@gmail.com

The Church Office can advise you on the likelihood of a Faculty being granted (please note that Faculties are rarely granted to those under 60 years of age); how to formally seek support for the petition and the forms to be completed.

Fees are currently approximately £310 (2021) for your petition to be considered and if successful a further £100 payable to All Saints Grayswood PCC.

You can download a copy of the forms here: Gravespace Reservation Form

Annual Memorial Service

The service of thanksgiving, which provides an opportunity to remember loved ones who have died, is held in All Saints Church on 2nd November - All Souls Day. This is usually at 7.30 pm if the date falls on a Monday-Friday, or 4 pm if the date is a Saturday or Sunday.

During the service, names of those who have died during the year are read aloud during a time of prayer, and members of the congregation are invited to go to the front of church to light a candle for each of those named aloud, or remembered silently.

If you would like a name added to the list, whether the person died recently or a long time ago, please contact the Church Office.

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