
Ministry Team

Our Associate Priest is Rev Fiona Gwynn who works part-time in the parish.
Fiona's day off is Fridays but email is checked daily
07769 856343

Our Assistant Priest is Rev Elaine Collins who works part-time in the parish.
Elaine is available Mon and Weds mornings and all day Friday.

07543 083178

Our ministry team is complemented by our Occasional Preacher Jane White.


Our Churchwardens are

Jackie Holmes  churchwarden1grayswood@gmail.com  07730 304102

John McLean churchwarden2grayswood@gmail.com


Pastoral Team

Our Pastoral Team Coordinator is Daphne Bleach

Daphne Bleach - ring or message - 07950 785051

Whether you’re new to the village, or a life-long resident - If you need support please contact our Pastoral Team
We provide encouragement, support, listening and other care for members and friends of the congregation and the community. We are there to give a more personal approach to those who need emotional and spiritual support if that is their wish. We aim to visit the newcomers to the church and local community, the sick, the dying and the bereaved and pray with them if they would like us to do so. We also have a list of volunteers who can help out with various one-off support tasks.


Our Parish Safeguarding Officer

Jane White

Diocesan Safeguarding Team


01483 790379

Parish Office

Postal address: All Saints Church, Parish Office, Grayswood Road, Grayswood, GU27 2DJ

Email: allsaintsgrayswood@gmail.com

Visiting: The church is open every day from 9 til 4. Items for the office can be left in the post box in the church porch.  The Parish Office is located in the church and is staffed on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 am til 12 noon.

Phone: 01428 656504 (please leave a message outside office hours)

Directions and Map

Who's Who at All Saints

"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. " 1 Corinthians 12

Key Contacts in the Parish  - Ministry and Mission Teams

Who's on the PCC? - Parish Church Council – PCC

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