(2) Memorial Tablet A H Harman

Alfred H Harman

Alfred Hugh Harman moved into Lower Grayswood (now Grayswood Place) in the late 1890s and as his working life at Ilford drew to a close, he financed the building of All Saints Church and provided an endowment for the incumbent's stipend.

You can read more about his life in Chapter 2 of  ‘Silver by the Ton’ – a history of Ilford Ltd from 1879 to 1979, the year it was published. Authors were R J Hercock and G A Jones, both prominent employees of the company.  Page 20 focuses on his time in Grayswood. Read his story A H Harman (Ilford).

Alfred died in 1913 and is buried in the churchyard, next to Nina (known locally as Mrs Harman) who predeceased him.

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